"Maybe she’s hiding somewhere in anonymity. My mountain town, Zhao Jiashi, will soon be all over the world. She should take the initiative to contact me when she hears my news."


"Sister Tong Tong and Ji Ren will have a good day."
Yunxuan nodded and joined hands to pray.
"I asked Qu Gu to help me find one? Qu Jia has benefited from you and should help! "
Qulanshu patted Yun Fan on the shoulder and said, "Don’t worry too much about bunch ofred grapes and you won’t be fine if you don’t leave the city."
Back to Yuecheng
Family reunion
It should be happy, happy event, but Yun Fan is not happy.
He promised Shang Tongtong that they would get married when he became king of the earth.
Now Yun Fan’s strength has reached the top of the earth and he is a vice-field ball king.
However, Shang Tongtong doesn’t know where.
Days passed in succession.
Shang Tongtong didn’t even join Yun Fan.
Yun Fan Lianshang Tongtong’s communicator has been in the machine state.
Zhonghai Qujia also launched contacts and manpower to search for Shang Tongtong in the range of 100 cities on earth, and there was no news either.
This makes Yun Fan have to worry.
Wu cheng Shang Jia
Yun Fan’s visit to Shangjia’s home will be a big blow to the top of the three flowers, and the strong one will be beaten by Yun Fan to cry and cry.
But Shang Jia really doesn’t know Shang Tongtong’s fall.
Even if ShangJiaGu main became a big pig, he also could not say where ShangTongTong is.
However, it is certain that Yun Fan failed to find Shang Tongtong from the Shangjia family in Wucheng and the Zhao family in Shancheng.
There is still no news of Shang Tongtong after half a month.
Although Zhonghai Qujia is strong, its influence is also spread all over the human cities.
In order to mobilize more people to help find Shang Tongtong, Yun Fan released a reward that made everyone crazy.
"Who knows ShangTongTong news reward uniting the three flowers together top achievement method!
Who can find Shang Tongtong to obtain the achievement method of cultivating five qi and Chao Yuan! "
News kick-off vibration
It’s crazy to practice the three-flower gathering and five-qi chaoyuan achievement method
There are people looking for Shang Tongtong everywhere in the streets and alleys of the whole human city!
Yun Fan believes that Shang Tongtong’s range of 100 cities on earth will be found.
Every day, Yun Fan cultivates the base to practice the extreme martial arts’ He Luo Jing Lei Jian Fa’.
Every day, he asks about Shang Tongtong.
However …
As the days passed, Shang Tongtong still heard from him.
Chapter 214 Nine elders fight YunFan! (2 more commutation ticket)
Cultivation base
Yun Fan, armed with a beheading sword and wearing a virtual helmet, is practicing the sword method of picking thunder!
Chop the sword, the thunder flashes, and a bright thunder sword awn is split.
These days, Yun Fan asked Yunxuan to publish some secrets of Chinese martial arts and Wushu to the Internet.
The achievement method can cultivate the condensed gas environment, which is equivalent to the ancient martial arts, which is difficult for 99% of the earth people to step into
The achievement method can practice Guiyuan, which is equivalent to Guwu’s congenital third-class family, the most powerful fighter, that is, congenital.
A lot of practice strength and innate achievement method have caused a great sensation immediately.
And the ID of the person who released these martial arts secrets is the’ King of the Earth’
The whole earth boils.
A new martial art body appears in the field of vision of the earth
Condensing gas, returning to yuan, and true Dan are the spiritual sea!
Only four realms are equivalent to the seven realms of the earth’s ancient martial strength, dark strength, transformation, strength, congenital, three flowers gathering at the top, and five qi facing the yuan!
Practicing the four realms is obviously easier than practicing the seven realms in terms of quantity.
This is a great change and a devastating blow to the original Gu Wu cultivation system
Although this new martial art style is introduced to the spiritual realm, while Gu Wu’s traditional style has a stronger "unity of spiritual and martial arts" and "King Kong is not bad", this does not prevent the earth’s human fighters from getting excited.
The unity of spirit and martial arts and the indestructibility of King Kong are too far away from the earth’s human fighters.
There are no fighters in the whole earth, let alone King Kong is not bad.
Even the aristocratic fighters are eager for this new martial art style.
For ordinary people, it is even more exciting. They don’t have advanced Gu Wu’s cultivation techniques. Gu Wu’s cultivation body is not complete with them.
And this new martial art body can be cultivated to Guiyuan territory just by publishing the achievement method on the net, which is equivalent to Guwu congenital.
This means that with the network, all human fighters on the earth have hope to cultivate to Guiyuan, and every family has hope to become a third-class family.
"The king of the earth proved to be a big adventure. No wonder he grew up so fast! It turns out that he has obtained a new martial arts body cultivation method! "
"The King of the Earth is so awesome that all the great families in Gu Wu are afraid to give us ordinary people a look, but the King of the Earth has published so many new methods!"
"We ordinary people have a lot of talented people at most, and their qualifications are not worse than those of a family genius, but suffering from the lack of achievement methods, so many new achievement methods have been directly announced by the family stepping on the earth king. This is to benefit thousands of ordinary people in Qian Qian!"
"Who dares to say that the name of the king of the earth is not qualified? Who desperately has this mind? Yun Fan is the only king of the earth!"
Many people are grateful to Yun Fan.
However, the net achievement method was quickly removed.
The nine elder families of Gujing City spoke.
"Aristocratic family is a new era of mankind. It is determined that the ancestors of social families are all great contributors to resisting genetic life in the dark ages!
The new martial arts, Taoism and social unrest have made great contributions to the future generations of human pioneers and enjoyed sufficient social status. It will be banned, broadcast and practiced! "
The news came out, and the whole earth was in uproar and then rioted.
The Earth King once again posted a message on the Internet that "the new martial arts body and the Chinese Kung Fu Fa Association are printed and published in a book, and everyone can go to Yuecheng Yunjia to collect them."
And sell, pole achievement method of one hundred million federal money a book pole achievement method of one billion federal money a book ten years later, the achievement method and pole achievement method will no longer be changed and released. "
The achievement method can be cultivated to the true Dan condition, which is equivalent to three flowers gathering at the top.
Extreme skill can be cultivated to the spiritual sea state, which is equivalent to the five qi dynasties.
When the news came out, all the families made a sensation.
Can breath out one hundred million, one billion federal currency family must be a family.
Being able to practice the three-flower gathering method makes the third-class family extremely excited, while the second-class family is very excited to practice the five-qi-dynasty pole method.
One hundred million federal money is not more than one billion federal money for the peak third-class family, but it can be taken out easily for the second-class family.
Although the achievement method and extreme achievement method will be released in ten years, not many families are willing to wait for ten years and want to buy one to practice first.
It’s that many families dare not ignore the ban on the nine elder families. Although they want to buy it for a while, no one wants to see the reaction of the nine elder families.

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