Carl briefly informed the current situation and added


"The mutual aid society has the ability to move the tunnel instantaneously when it is opened. I have agreed with them to pick up our families here today."
"I made an exception and let you in, but you should mind your mouth …"
Adrian entered the villa and looked around at the well-dressed people with tolerance and harmony and nodded numbly. "I can see that it is an exception."
Everyone in the villa was silent, and no one was in the mood to speak.
Until the servant outside came in and reported, "There is a special motorcade outside!"
Carl set off at once, followed by Adrian, and just now those distinguished people followed him like a duckling.
As soon as Carl got out of the door, he saw a young man directing the scene. Some people came out earlier than them and had already left the car.
There are thirty buses at the scene, all of which are to evacuate their families.
"That should be that Thomas, the president of the mutual aid association, said that he was a young hawk. Don’t talk and let your father get on the bus …"
Carl told Adrian Ma to go over and say hello to Zhang Tianyuan.
Adrian saw the two sides shake hands and walked away, not knowing what to talk about.
It’s not. He should know.
Adrian watched his father’s soldiers arrange to leave the car and waved goodbye to him through the glass.
It was a while before Zhang Tianyuan and Carl separated.
"Is everyone here?"
Zhang Tianyuan asked the soldier in charge of statistics and got a positive answer before returning to his car.
Moment surrounded the villa, the motorcade disappeared after a black light …
There was a small commotion at the scene before Carl suppressed it again.
Adrian felt relieved at the thought of leaving his father with the motorcade.
At this time, Carl has returned to the villa hall with all the people left and shouted.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the world is about to be destroyed. Only with the great migration plan of the mutual aid society can we save ourselves. We must refuse to fight and join the mutual aid society!"
People who have just witnessed the teleport flow have greatly increased their confidence, and they have also raised their arms and shouted with excitement and grace.
"Join the Mutual Aid Society!"
"Join the Mutual Aid Society!"
Even Adrian unknowingly joined in …
And similar scenes continue to happen in other countries and cities.
Zhang Tianyuan brought back more than 10 thousand people from all over the ball after two days.
According to Zhou Lao’s estimation, the forces behind these people are enough to promote the smooth implementation of the ball migration plan.
"It’s enough to kill with these people. Then we’ll cut the gordian knot …"
Zhang Tianyuan and Zhou Lao both made the same decision at the latest action meeting.
Chapter 92 Speech by Karl State
The tension between the two sides remained until the end of February.
Going to Yellowstone National Park because of martial law, Charlie once again heard the city coming to guard against the alarm
He is resting and replenishing in the RV park. He turns on the radio.
Otherwise, I heard the same emergency broadcast as the second time, but the host seemed to have experience and didn’t stutter like the second time
Charlie snapped the radio off and pulled it over his head to go back to sleep.
He doesn’t care
The end of the day is to fight, and mankind is hopeless.
The engine roared and the pilot George rose again.
His pilot has already talked on the phone channel.
"Are we going to face fighters or those alien fighters this time?"
"I heard that I hope they will exercise restraint as they did last time …"
George didn’t speak and looked at the blue sky and the sea outside. His flying gloves were full of sweat.
This time, they found the mother’s place of the enemy ship and attacked it.
This is obviously not an easy task, but it is even more difficult. He has heard that those alien fleets can move instantaneously just like their planes.
There’s no way they can catch each other …
This is not possible
At this time, the east coast of the Atlantic
Even in winter, there are still many people strolling on the beach comfortably, including couples and old people.
But suddenly exclaimed in the crowd.
"What’s beyond the sea?"
Everyone looked at the sea in succession.
Seeing that a huge fleet suddenly appeared just now, even the people on the shore could feel the oppression brought by the huge ship …
Some people want to pick up their mobile phones, and the result is that the fleet suddenly disappeared in a second, as if nothing had happened, and the waves on the sea were still there.
"Is it a mirage?"
Everyone speculated on various possibilities with a false alarm.
While the fleet Zhang Tianyuan also wiped the sweat.
Just positioning unfortunately set too close to the shore.
That distance may have entered the territorial sea department.
Sotheby’s horse jumped again
There’s no problem this time. You can’t see the shore.
Ship fighters began to take off one after another, treating it as a practical exercise.
And Zhang Tianyuan soon brought back more fighters from Qishi to "212"
Soon an Atlantic offensive began.

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随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,对于休闲娱乐的需求也日益旺盛。近年来,桑拿作为一种新兴的休闲方式,逐渐在上海流行起来。而“上海莞式服务桑拿网站”更是成为许多人了解和选择桑拿服务的重要途径。本文将带您走进这个神秘的服务世界,揭开其神秘的面纱。 一、上海莞式服务桑拿网站简介 上海莞式服务桑拿网站,顾名思义,是一家专注于提供上海地区莞式桑拿服务的网站。该网站成立于2010年,经过多年的发展,已经成为国内领先的桑拿服务信息平台。网站以诚信、专业、便捷为宗旨,为广大消费者提供全面、准确的桑拿服务信息。 二、上海莞式服务桑拿网站的优势 1. 服务全面:上海莞式服务桑拿网站汇集了上海地区各大知名桑拿场所的信息,包括地址、电话、服务项目、价格等,让您轻松找到心仪的桑拿场所。 2. 专业推荐:网站根据消费者的需求,提供个性化的桑拿场所推荐,让您在繁忙的生活中,享受高品质的休闲时光。 3. 便捷查询:网站采用简洁明了的界面设计,让您轻松查找所需信息。同时,支持手机端访问,让您随时随地了解桑拿服务动态。…