Houseman, the owner of the group, has no psychology to pay attention to it and is not in the mood to clean up the spy that has just been exposed.


He doubts life.
It’s enough science fiction to come by yourself.
His theory can only be said in his own circle, but he will be asked out if he can’t say a few words on his occasion.
Who knows that someone has come up with a theory of civil science that is even better than him?
Or reality?
Suddenly, houseman felt more confident about his theory of artificial moon!
If the parallelism comes true, is the moon artificial and necessary? !
Those insects at NASA don’t believe his theory, and their lunar exploration is doomed to be in vain!
Houseman returned to the keyboard with his hands full of fighting spirit. He decided to send more posts online to attract more people’s attention.
He’s right!
Workers in the space center also watched the live broadcast.
Everyone consciously turned their attention to Ding Hongbo when he talked about the general manager of Ji.
Although no one spoke, it seemed that everyone was asking whether it was true or not.
Chief engineer Ji straightened up and glanced at everyone. "Can this be fake?"
"Your job now is to find a suitable place for landing the planetary engine, you know?"
"This is the most important thing for mankind at present. You are all extremely energetic!"
Many genera looked at each other and obviously didn’t expect that the former chief engineer of Hebei Province had given himself the comparative data worker to realize that such a big event was a careful heart.
"Our horse will check the data again!"
General Ji looked at the families returning to their jobs and looked at them again. He suddenly laughed with relief.
The front view picture has been switched to the picture taken by the cameraman who accompanied him when he was wandering before his visit.
From the helicopter overlooking angle to the long ladder after entering the dungeon …
This is the parallel time of the certificate
Of course, this video is not irrefutable evidence, and the real irrefutable evidence will have to wait until the monkey monthly plan is implemented.
Ding Hongbo had just finished his speech when he heard his assistant report that Fox had been talking to him for a long time.
"Oh, it seems that he is really anxious."
Ding Hongbo smiled gently and picked up the words when he returned to the office.
"Mr. Ding?" On the other side, when the horse heard the movement, it began to speak.
"It’s Mr. Fox."
"oh ~"
Fox covered his head. He just thought a lot, but now he doesn’t know what to say.
It took him a long time to say, "Are you engaged in any strategic fraud?"
"I have consulted NASA, and they don’t recognize this possibility. That kind of huge engine can’t be made by the earth even when it is parallel."
Or that thing root can’t be made.
This was the opinion of NASA experts at that time.
This is based on realistic judgment.
It is impossible for the earth painting style not to become a science fiction painting style.
"So you want to hinder our European Union?"
This is the only possibility that Fox can think of.
Ding Hongbo still smiled when he heard this.
"You don’t believe this is normal because it is really incredible, but I can assure you that it is true because I have been to the parallel and felt the different atmosphere there."
"We have put the parallel images on the viewing platform for 24 hours."
"No, no, no, no, you showed us a sci-fi movie. Those pictures are very special effects …"
"Hehe" Ding Hongbo calmly faced Fox’s query without shame or annoyance. "As a matter of fact, we will launch an operation on the moon as planned in the near future, and everyone on earth will see it. Then you will know whether it is true or not, and there is no need to discuss it again."
Fox said, "Our European Union will go on as usual, and you will not achieve your ideal goal …"
Hang up. Foxma got another message. It’s Director hutchins.
"Mr. Fox, I have just received reports from several scholars who said that the’ Mutual Aid Society’ had sent them an early warning email before the moon’s orbit deviated."
Ding Hongbo’s speech quickly evoked memories of some people.
People who read the mail of the mutual aid association before quickly remembered that the organization had sent them an email.
And it also warned about the lunar orbit.
They have studied the mail since the orbit of the previous moon was shifted, but at that time, the mutual aid association had given up what they had, and they failed to receive a reply. Gradually, it was just a bad dramatist who hit a blind cat and died.
It was not until now that they heard the familiar name from Ding Hongbo that they realized that it might not be a bad play.
Scholars from all over the world have reported to their own institutions, and they have received more attention because of this storm report.
However, if we attach importance to it, one thing is the change of law, that is, no one can be sure whether the mutual aid meeting is true or not.
Even if someone linked the former rocket that suddenly appeared in low earth orbit to the mutual rescue meeting, no one would dare to say that the mutual rescue meeting must be true.
The public opinion is in an uproar.
Ding Hongbo is also under great pressure at this time, not trusting others more than trusting people.
But behind this pressure, Chief Engineer Ji led people to quickly determine the moon position of the planetary engine.
During this wandering period, two groups of professional engineers and scientists were also organized to help greatly advance the project progress.
Correspondingly, NASA’s European Bureau’s lunar exploration is progressing equally smoothly.
The SC-62 moon landing spacecraft was transported to North America in just one day and then delivered to NASA. On the same day, it was hoisted to NSAS moon landing rocket with the detector.
Then, the preparation for the launch of a rocket also went smoothly. In less than two days, the rocket on the moon had completed all preparations and was pushed to the launch pad for launch.
Even the selection of astronauts is equally fast. In just two days, NASA selected three people.
Physiological gender: two men and one woman, black and white.
Ten drops right.
Before the departure of the three people, the photos were widely circulated around the world, which was called save the moon Hope-
As the riots continue, Fox is worried that the social order will be further destroyed. Now NASA has kept silent that human beings will be destroyed by the moon, but that the moon will be torn apart when it approaches the earth.
All three astronauts arrived in save the moon the next day.
However, this change in propaganda caliber is meaningless.
In this modern network society, anyone who can surf the Internet can know what kind of devastating blow the moon will cause to mankind.
In the past few days, the riots have intensified, and more and more terrorist groups have appeared on the streets, all of them carrying all kinds of guns.

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