"You are our God!"


For this over-enthusiastic ghost, Tianyang wanted to turn around a little and left, but he couldn’t touch it. It was an unusual thing to communicate with the black people after all
If we leave without investigating, it won’t be too rough.
Perhaps we can learn about this famous city through it.
After all, it is a Chinese resident, isn’t it?
Tianyang has a dry cough. "So what’s your name?"
"Master, do you mean to accept me as a humble servant?"
The ghost happily turned a somersault. "Night Star, you can call me Night Star."
"Yes, I am around the dark night and the stars are dotted with the stars of the eternal night. The significance of our department only shows your greatness."
The boy’s face twitched again in the mask.
This is really shameless!
Praised that day, Yang had an impulse to sink into the ground.
"All right."
The fire in the original furnace connecting the wilderness of Tianyang consciousness with the original furnace of Obsidian surged
Immediately, the teenager released an unusual breath.
This is the smell of darkness
Pure and absolute darkness!
The ghost trembled. If it could shed tears, it would have burst into tears. "Sure enough, I didn’t misread this kind of breath."
"Please tell me, master, that your servant is always at your disposal."
The ghost’ Night Star’ threw herself at the toe of Tianyang’s shoe if it wasn’t afraid of the dark smell.
Tianyang coughed, "What’s the matter with this city?"
"It …"
Suddenly, the night star sound becomes intermittent, like a communicator with poor signal reception.
And the cross pupil in his eyes flashed as if it would disappear at any time.
"I … method to maintain … I’ll … again …"
The ghost suddenly paused, his eyes became hollow, and the warm and flattering atmosphere disappeared from him.
The first secretary’s ghost howled and pounced and was killed by Tianyang’s sword.
Looking at the black smoke floating in the sun, I silently thought that this thing called’ night star’ should be a combination of will and ghost, so there will be a’ body’ theory.
In other words, it is not nearby.
What is its experience?
What’s the reason why it chased me?
Looking at the distant faint outline of the city, Tianyang shrugged his shoulders and there was too little information. If we continue to deduce, we may have to continue to explore or reconnect with an individual before we can communicate and figure out its intention.
In case the sun doesn’t rush into the city one day.
There are a lot of’ undercurrents’ to the colorful light curtain. Even if the fortress finds a way to make the light curtain disappear, it will not be done in a moment.
I have at least half a day to explore.
So Tianyang calmly waited for the giant corpse demon to meet himself and then went deep into this city where no human should have been.
It wasn’t long before the giant corpse demon arrived, making the dark particles drive energy, and it also passed through the colorful screen.
With such a guard around, Tianyang let it follow the road ahead and enter the city.
When approaching the city, when it emerged from the black fog, Tianyang realized that it was far from the’ city’ recognized by human beings.
Those buildings like houses and towers are piled up with bones or flesh and blood.
Some’ houses’ bases are formed by casting several biological heads together.
Even so, the city still forms streets, narrow lanes, arch bridges, castles and other things.
If it weren’t for fear of being noticed by Yunfeng outside the light curtain, Tianyang would like to play a few flares to see the city clearly.

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