"…" The mini dust crocodile was silent for a few seconds and then said, "I think there should be."


"… should?"
"Don’t worry about it." At this moment, the voice of the mechanical dust crocodile interrupted the scholar and the mini-dust crocodile exchange scholar and turned to see the entrance of the mechanical dust crocodile cave. "Now I know the specific process, but what should we do?"
"The current situation … indicates that solidification has failed. Many enemy troops can move at will. How can we stop them and save our country?"
Bang!’ The mechanical dust crocodile smashed a metal gate, and its words were full of … grief and indignation.
"Found the attack line to destroy the attacker" Suddenly the mini dust crocodile said such a sentence, and the ceiling machine gun was also aimed at the mechanical dust crocodile … side.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Hit by a machine gun, the ground suddenly exploded, and a three-legged column flew out of the smoke and fell to the ground.
"Three-legged column here?" Scholars suddenly felt a little surprised when they saw it. There seemed to be nothing in the previous position, but after the machine gun fired, a three-legged column flew out there
This three-legged column fell to the ground, and its body armor has burst off, and many inner bodies have also suffered considerable damage … It is no longer alive.
Scholars wonder when and how it was hidden there, because its body detection equipment has not responded yet.
"The superfluous objects have been successfully destroyed," the mini-dust crocodile said to the scholar. "Now it can lead you to the place where it is solidified and bloomed."
With that, the mini-dust crocodile walked on the spot, and the scholar and the mechanical dust crocodile were still frightened. After a little hesitation, they followed.
"You always knew where the three-legged pillar was hiding?" While walking, scholars questioned the mini-dust crocodile
"Correct answer," said the mini-dust crocodile. "The aggressor and attacker were found to have successfully destroyed the enemy hundreds of seconds ago, and their emotional happiness increased."
"…" Scholars think that this mini-dust crocodile is strange, but it should not be the kind that knows how to answer questions. It should be regarded as intelligent … anyway, it is a complicated machine.
"Who the hell are you?" The mechanical dust crocodile also came quickly and said, "Is it our … companion?"
Mechanical dust crocodiles usually refer to the same kind as companions, which mainly refers to the same intelligent mechanical dust crocodiles, but for other machines, they are not called companions.
The former mechanical dust crocodile obviously regarded the mini dust crocodile as a simple machine, but now it has changed its mind.
"Forward" and the mini dust crocodile seems to be not going to answer, but to say "thousands of seconds away, it is forbidden to ask and answer"
Dust crocodiles don’t time seconds, but scholars can translate the timing method of dust crocodiles into a better understanding of the timing method.
But do you really have to walk here for thousands of seconds? Are there any secret passages …
The scholar looked around the cave, although it was wide, but it didn’t take long. When the mini-dust crocodile took them to the rock wall on the right side of the cave, the scholar saw the mini-dust crocodile climb along the rock wall.
"What are you …"
When the scholar asked questions, the mini dust crocodile immediately said, "Stop asking questions, observe quietly and don’t move."
The mini dust crocodile quickly climbed to a height of more than three meters and then got into a crack in the rock. After a few seconds, there was something like a mechanical click inside.
At the same time, another loud sound came up. The scholar turned to look and found that there were many solidified mushrooms on the rock wall next to it … Suddenly more solidified mushrooms appeared.
These solidified mushrooms seem to suddenly stick out from the rock wall and quickly cover the whole rock wall.
Then the mini dust crocodile also emerged from the gap and jumped to the ground and ran to the wall covered with mushrooms.
"The protective door has the highest secret," said the mini dust crocodile. "Anyone who enters in the wrong way will be solidified and have an entry point."
The mini-dust crocodile walked up to a mushroom, jumped up and patted the mushroom. Suddenly the mushroom made a sound, and then the mini-dust crocodile said, "You can enter."
"… enter?"
As soon as the scholar raised a question, he saw that the mini dust crocodile got into the mushroom and disappeared.
It seems that the mini-dust crocodile said that it could just go in, but scholars still hesitated.
The mechanical dust crocodile didn’t hesitate too much. It said to give it a try first, so it went to the front of the scholar and went directly to the rock wall covered with mushrooms
Scholars were surprised to see that the mechanical dust crocodile squeezed those mushrooms and went straight through the … mushroom-covered rock wall.
This is really strange
Then the scholar also squeezed into the rock wall full of mushrooms, and after passing through the rock wall, the scholar found that it was …
A huge object
This seems to be the solidification blooming device.
But it’s a device rather than a … creature.
Chapter one thousand three hundred and thirty-one Plan
"The world already belongs to us!"
"This is not a world, it is a pipeline."
"What? This is not a pipeline. This is a world like a pipeline! "
"I felt something special there!"
"Then you must go and have a look!"
Two creatures are jumping at high speed in front of huge stones. They are extremely fast because the gravity here is very … small for them.
And the reason why they run is that they are attracted by finding something that has wonderful’ power’
But for Lynn, it seems that that thing has been holding back.
Lin … has successfully sent complete language materials to scholars before observing the situation there, and now she can recognize the language of dust crocodile.
Although it is said that … the language materials have been sent completely, there are some new obstacles that interfere with other things.
For example, the scholar detection system does not run completely, and some detection functions will send the data back to … here and then analyze it.
This part just sent back encountered some interference, which caused scholars not to detect the hidden three-legged column near it.

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