And then it did something special …


That is to’ generate’ a brain.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ninety The brain
So they were born like this …
This looks like a mole cricket creature. It came to the photoengraving’ Command Sending Center’
It makes some way to connect itself with the command sending center system and read it.
I don’t know what the specific process is, but it is described in the information. When it comes to the command center, there is a lot of information, which is mainly in this article.
And the mole cricket reads these data, and it will quickly generate a brain when it reads the data.
This brain grows rapidly, and when it grows, the mole cricket keeps inputting data into it, which makes these data become brain knowledge.
Because the system is connected with the mole, the institute also knows that these things are happening in the mole.
It can’t stop the mole from walking, and it can make the mole slowly transfer the data into this brain …
At last, when the data was read, the brain grew up, and then the mole took its troops out of the building and climbed to the surface again.
Seeing this, Lin already knows.
The brain generated by the mole is a brain in the’ recycling meeting’. It puts the printed information into this brain and then leaves.
It left in the same way as it came, that is, it mixed into a cotton ship and flew away from here.
It doesn’t know where it will fly, but obviously … this mole will be recycled after its head is turned.
This creature looks like a mole cricket. Lin thinks it is also a very special species. Does it have anything to do with the creator population? Or …
The total dream creator said that he didn’t know about this strange creature.
And the story of guangyin didn’t end there. Their story went on.
After the photoengraving was so touched by the cricket, they produced many … new lines, and they rebuilt many buildings.
Although the appearance remains the same, many rooms have been added to their buildings, just like those corridors with different sizes that Lin saw now.
Originally, these buildings were almost solid, with a small number of passages for imprinting insects to enter, but now it has become a different kind.
It seems very suitable for many creatures of different sizes to live in.
Of course, no residents come here to live, and the houses they make can be there.
The command center issued this reconstruction instruction mainly because of the influence of the mole. At that time, the mole didn’t just take away the information, but also entered some information into the command center.
This directly changed the command center … OK.
In addition to rebuilding the building, the command center has also made some devices to record’ history’, which mainly record brainwave signals.
This is why Lin can see this information now.
The biggest change in the command center is it … The character has become’ cruel’ a lot.
In the original command center, almost no weapons were made, and there were no weapons that could be directly killed by cotton ships or surrounding buildings.
Before it came to attack the invading mole cricket, the weapon was just a digging tool.
But this doesn’t mean that there are no weapons in the lithography. It’s just that this center doesn’t make them. Now it suddenly makes a lot of weapons.
Each cotton ship is equipped with several weapons, and at the same time, each building is equipped with weapons … completely arming the whole world.
Moreover, it keeps firing a large number of missiles at the outside. Although the information does not say where the missiles are going, Lin can barely see that it is bombing some of the surrounding worlds.

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