"Come with me to try the eye-turning ability!"


Excited Chiba to walk in the hospital bed and eat. The laboratory is ready to try the eye-turning ability.
This small laboratory can’t accept the eye pupil force.
Equally excited, everyone followed Chiba and filed out.
Chiba took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to a tree in the distance. His mind moved all over the world, and he was able to start the harsh sound of trees, and then he suddenly rose to the ground and flew towards him.
"Vientiane days lead!"
Chiba looked at the flight path of the trees and saw the trees crossing him and crashing into the ground behind them. Peng Yi was smashed into a pile of debris by Gang Shou.
It means that the trees are sucked in front of you, and the results are out of control and shifted to the right for a distance.
After all, it is just a transplant, and it is not easy to adapt and master the ability.
Chiba inheritance is uchiha madara’s eye circle, and the eye circle is the same as kaleidoscope sharingan. Some endurance techniques are the same, such as Xu Zuoneng, Yi Xie Nagi and so on, but there are also some different endurance techniques, such as some special pupil techniques, other gods, Harle and so on
Chiba has experimented one by one. Nagato’s Six Daos plus Waidao Ninjutsu Chiba base can make even the earth-exploding Star Star and the true God Luo Tianzheng consume a lot of chakra and try it out.
However, the special pupil surgery of uchiha madara’s eye circle is temporarily used
For example, the prison near the rotating tomb
This is a unique skill of the circle eye, which can separate four invisible shadows in the world, unless it has the strength and ability to see the shadows. The same performer can control the shadow action or let it move freely.
Shadows can also be materialized and virtualized, and each shadow will return to the performer every once in a while. In addition, when it is materialized and injured, it will return to the performer’s body, and the injury will also be brought back to the wheel tomb, which can make the body endure all kinds of surgery.
meteorites from heaven
Only the eye-turning holder can make the operation spot and the beard assist with three different seals to summon two huge meteorites with a diameter of more than 100 meters to fall vertically one after another. Because the meteorites are too big, the meteorite will cover the sun for several kilometers, and the performer will be ravaged by the earthquake star. This trick once "cleaned" the whole battlefield.
These two powerful ninjas are still dharma envoys.
In particular, the edge prison of the wheel tomb is a dharma move in Chiba.
"Psychic heretics!"
Exotic golems must be "psychic" to summon them, and they can be controlled by external forces.
Chiba is also ready to try to control the heretical golems. If you can control the heretical golems yourself, then the plan is almost a failure.
However, Chiba printed for half a day and still nothing happened.
"It seems that … failed!"
Chiba is not very surprised. After all, it is impossible for uchiha madara not to cheat in the eyes of reincarnation. Chiba gave up the direct eye contact, which means that some abilities of eye contact will be lost.
In fact, the uchiha madara spell is the key to seal the control of the foreign golems.
That’s it. I was taken away by others and ruined his plan.
Chapter four hundred and six Miaomushan practice
Chiba estimates that unless his other eye also opens the eye circle, he will use limbo hengoku’s endurance.
It has been more than a month since Chiba transplanted the eye circle, and Chiba has gradually mastered the eye circle pupil force.
Chiba went to the window and looked at the sky outside.
Suddenly, it seemed as if there was a light flashing across the whole sky, and then a light suddenly appeared, and then it disappeared for a moment.
"It’s finished."
Looking at the strange scene of heaven, Chiba nodded his head. There is no doubt that this is orochimaru’s arrangement of perceptual enchantment has been completed and it has begun to make the scene.
The former enchanter perceives the enemy differently. This is a change in perception. The enchantment is designed to prevent the magical power of the pupil with soil.
Of course, Kakashi has done a lot in this matter. After all, his eyes come from bringing soil, so he can cooperate with orochimaru to finish your work.
Red beans also came to Chiba and looked at the sky outside.
After a while, Chiba nodded at Red Bean and said, "There should be nothing wrong with it, and I may leave for a few months …"
"Are you leaving again?"
Red beans looked at Chiba and showed a surprised look.
Chiba nodded his head. During this period, the amount of his eyes was almost the same as that of his body. He needed to take a trip to Miaomushan to draw natural energy to cultivate the immortal body.
This is a successful experiment in orochimaru.
Orochimaru found that the immortal model is closely related to the immortal human body. Regardless of others, it is said that the first generation of Muhuo Ying made the magic have different powers than his ninja immortal model.
Orochimaru speculated that the immortal model evolved to be a fairy body.
The fairy body can perfectly release magic.
So Chiba signed a psychic contract from Miaomushan from Jiraiya.
At the same time, Chiba signed a psychic contract from Longdi Cave, which was selectively ignored by the toad fairy in Miaomushan.
After all, Miaomushan is a loyal supporter of Konoha, and the deep immortal of Miaomushan and the immortal of Zhima can’t be indifferent.
After a little hesitation, Chiba said at Hongdou, "After I leave, you should control the village intelligence department, pay close attention to the soil movement and search all bijuu intelligence materials."
Red beans nodded at Chiba, and Xi Xi smiled and came to Chiba’s side. They just got entangled in Chiba and then they got together.
Hongdou has long recognized that Chiba is also a compromise on the issue of Chiba’s marriage to Terumi Mei, Shui Ying, the fifth generation.
miao kiyama

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