Wang Muxian still remembers that after meeting the Brocade Carp late at the beginning, he fished for two days in a row, and his luck was as good as hanging, and he caught more than ten fish species in total.


In the second half of the year, the fishing species didn’t exceed those two days …
"After all, this turtle breath regimen is good."
"With sufficient physical strength, you can catch more fish and dig mines every day."
"Just one month later, I will practice the life-raising method to the tenth floor and then go hunting."
Mining is more dangerous than fishing.
Fishing is mainly accompanied by Grandpa Yu, even if he sometimes encounters some fierce beasts or dangerous fish species that he can’t solve by himself, Grandpa Yu will have a life guarantee.
Uncle Tiehu doesn’t dig every day if he digs.
You can’t look at yourself all the time.
"I don’t know what’s wonderful about the ten-layer regimen?"
Holding this idea, I unconsciously came to the end of this month.
On the last night of this month.
Wang Mu quietly waiting for the action point to resume.
We have to dig for another month, so just fill up the regimen
"I don’t know if this action point can recover any more … I’m fishing a little more every time, but I haven’t added it even if my fishing level is higher."
"I still feel a little less at two o’clock a month."
"It’s four o’clock in the game for a month, and it’s the same as the game, right?"
Cutting down, fishing and mining, the higher these levels, the less skilled the action points will be.
The achievement method should be the same
After the night, the action point resumed, and there was no cloud tour event. Wang Mu directly added the action point to the regimen.
Chapter 21 What is hunting?
【 Practice … turtle breath regimen () 】
"Sure enough, the first action point went up directly to the fourth floor."
"And this month, I should be less proficient in practicing health preservation every night. Maybe I haven’t reached the second action point on the fifth floor, so I should add more than three levels of proficiency."
"I hope that the action point of the second consumption can go directly to the tenth floor … not the ninth floor, otherwise I have to wave an action point."
This heavenly shepherd didn’t dig mines.
Because the current mining has not increased much, the mining skills are skilled.
Wang Mu went fishing to supplement some goods. In the past two months, he spent most of his time digging mines and went fishing for a while at night.
In the evening, Wang Mu continued to add the second action point to the regimen.
Early the next morning, Wang Mu opened his eyes and exhaled a white mist gas like kitchen smoke, which looked a little mysterious like a fairy spitting fog.
Is almost wake up instantly Wang Mu felt the body seems to have a steady stream of power.
Cheering as if every inch of cells in the body had mutated.
It feels wonderful.
"The physique is obviously enhanced again."
Wang Mu gently breathed a sigh of relief for half an hour before he went out to spit out his body without any discomfort. "I feel that my body is a little superman."
Perceive one
【 Practice ……………………………………… 】
It took only two months to learn this shallow method easily.
The actual feeling is that the body has improved a lot, and the physical recovery speed has increased a lot. When the quality of sleep has improved, it is more abundant …
To say that he … seems to have nothing special?
But Wang Mu, a shallow breathing method, didn’t want to ask too much.
"I can’t feel that this thing will increase its life span when it is cultivated to the tenth floor?"
Wang Mu shook his head.
Compared with those who cultivate immortality, this method should be all dirty, right?
But his first full-scale achievement method, Wang Mu, has a feeling of returning to the original game.
In the game, I have cultivated more than ten kinds of beautiful achievement methods with many abilities, and I can’t count them in a row
After the regimen reached the tenth floor, Wang Mu continued to mine this month
Even if you don’t improve your proficiency, you can prepare for forging with some mineral refiners.
And the outside world of special minerals should be of high value.
A blood jade mine can become someone else’s ancestral treasure jade.
January passed before you knew it.
"It’s time to go to the village chief to learn to hunt and exercise."
"Otherwise, the golden pheasant said that if the secret mine is a rare and rare mine, it hasn’t been dug up by itself and it has met a fierce beast."
At the beginning of this month, Wang Mu came to the village head’s house with great strides.
The village chief’s surname is Xing Dayi, and everyone in the village calls Master Yi.
I’ve lived for a hundred years, but it looks like I’m about forty or fifty years old.
Similar to grandpa Yu Li

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