"Didn’t see the haze elder sister said scales …"


Zhao cuo called the maid to wait on her to bathe. He had just checked it carefully. She really didn’t mark it.
"But it can’t be denied that Sister Feast and Dragon Family are United."
Grandpa Xiao quickly adjusted his mind again.
Is the dragon or the horn? Miss Zhao has no head and can be covered.
It can’t be urgent. We have to wait until the bad woman is sent to the south to investigate the secret guard’s reply, but he also has to make efforts.
"Let’s go to the trial of the four dragons and kings in heaven."
Zhao thief changed clothes and went back to his room.
Dragon thing he is not much to think about for the time being.
Can close your eyes is the cold plum standing proudly in the snow.
"I still have to pay my respects to my elder sister first when I get up in the morning … She’s not angry, is she?"
Zhao cuo meditated quietly in the dormitory all night, and the beauty couldn’t sleep without her arms.
Days later, he took his time to wash himself and then went out of the house.
Feast for Mao Shi must have already started.
"dong ~"
Little grandpa knocked gently on Miss Zhao’s door.
"Is it wrong? You just push the door and come in. I’m awake. "
Zhao Shangxin came out in a gentle voice as usual.
She acted as if nothing had happened yesterday.
However, the brothers and sisters have been greatly challenged.
"good morning"
Zhao thief posed as usual.
He also casually knocked on the feast door
A dignified and generous woman sits in front of the dresser. Yan Ruyu’s plump figure is more beautiful than that of a woman.
"What’s the matter with you coming here early in the morning?"
Fearful eyes looked at him softly.
"Eldest sister like mother, I should give you good morning, isn’t it? Right? "
Zhao wrong blinked and said that she was suddenly making a big red face and gouged out his one eye.
This bad thing bullied her like that only yesterday, and now it’s showing loyalty, filial piety and righteousness.
Heart wants her to feel shameless, right?
"Yesterday …"
It was only last night that Grandpa Xiao saw her angry.
"I’m not let you forget? How to return it! You say I’m going to hit you again. "
Zhao Shangxin opened her eyes wide. She didn’t want to recall it. It seemed that even her heart was being held and felt. In fact, that’s what she thought about last night.
"I’ve completely forgotten … so you won’t believe me?"
Zhao wicked novel a sentence
"I think you just owe it!"
Miss Zhao approached him with the power of her eldest sister.
"Let’s go and greet our parents together."
Zhao wrong hold her hand of fine fine jade.
"Are you going to do business today?"

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