She looked down and avoided Lin Yi’s eyes.


Lin Yi has now confirmed that Lin Er is her daughter.
Looking at Du You hate lost souls, Lin Yi’s heart is mixed at the moment.
Lin Yi admired Du You, hated her, and was grateful to her. She regarded her as her sister, and her feelings for her were also very pure. As a result, this "sister" charmed him, did rebellious things, and gave birth to Liner.
It suddenly struck him as absurd and pathetic.
Now he should be like a aftermath.
Such as to Mei Mei and Brocade.
After a while, Du Youhen slowly raised his head.
Her eyes turned out to be tears
Lin Yi stung a heart.
Du You hates "Lin Er is your daughter"
Lin Yi gently nodded his head.
Du You hated, "Do you want to know anything?"
Lin Yi doesn’t talk.
He sat opposite Du Youyan, picked up the teapot, poured two cups of tea, knocked down a cup before Du Youyan, picked up a cup and drank it off like a bowl of wine.
Since the window paper pierced Du You’s hatred, he told Lin Yi everything.
She tells it like telling a story.
"When I was a child, I was as beautiful as Liner, and everyone praised me for my good looks. But when I was a teenager, I tried a poison and it was ruined. From then on, I wrapped my face … I know that no matter how hard I am to get married in my life, there will be no man who likes me. I have always been sad and inferior, and I dare not be tempted by men …"
Lin Yi, this is the end of Bai Du’s hatred, which wraps the face truth all the year round.
Lin Yi can understand that a beautiful woman ruined the pain in her heart.
Du Youhen is also a poor man.
Lin Yi poured another cup of tea.
Du Youhen continued, "Until that year, I was seriously injured in the back of the North House, and you and I saw my body. From then on, I thought you were my own man in my heart, but you had Miss Su and I was ruined … I knew that everything I thought was in vain, but I really didn’t want to die alone. Later, I thought that since I couldn’t be your wife, I would have you as a child, so I also had someone to rely on and spend sleepless nights with me, so I carefully designed to meet you. God is really pity me, just once I had Liner and gave birth to Liner, I had hope, my life also had a smile and color. I’m sorry Liner couldn’t give her a father, and I don’t want to drag a man casually to pretend to be you. I can coax her father to go far away … "
Lin Yi listened quietly, but his heart was full of waves like the wind.
Du you hate finished Lin Yi poured her that cup of tea and drank it off.
Then I sighed and felt relieved.
She finally told the truth.
Du you hate to put a bowl and turn your head to try tears in your eyes.
Then she got up and looked at Lin Yi. "Do you think I’m dirty and a bitch? No matter what you think, it’s my fault. Now you know the truth. What do you want? Tell me! But you must never take Liner away from me. "
Lin Yixian didn’t talk. He was thinking about it.
What should he do?
The room became so quiet.
After a while, Lin Yi also got up.
He heaved a sigh and looked at Du Youhen with a grateful expression. "Thank you!"
Du You was stunned with hate. She said in a puzzled tone, "Thank me?"

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