Tens of thousands of people fled in fear.


But they soon found that the whole sixth floor world department collapsed and destroyed.
Everyone can escape.
"Dark as my father … my father died … you will be buried with him …"
Chapter 797 Rules itself
"There is no need for this sacred tower on the sixth floor-"
The sound of the sixth world resonated with heaven, and everyone felt creepy when they heard it.
They felt a deep sadness and despair, which infected the whole sixth world.
No one thought that Chineydy, who had reached the 19th floor of the sacred tower and was called the only dark protoss in the ages, would have such deep and sincere feelings for the dark god and regarded the dark god as his father.
Except for some core members of the dark protoss, no one knows that Chineydy was raised and educated by the dark god. In his mind, the dark god is both a teacher and a father.
He has two kinds of dark gods and a stargate in his hand. If he is invincible, the dark god can summon this stargate to appear.
With the help of this gate, Chineydy can strike a blow to help him destroy the enemy.
This second cause is the dark god body, and that star stone can protect his life, even the top-level sacred hand can’t kill the dark god.
With this double insurance, the original dark Chineydy can kill the dark god except for some individuals who even he needs to be afraid of.
But he didn’t think that the dark god would encounter this altar and summon the terror. The blow of the huge palm of the sky has gone beyond the scope of God, and even the Terran generation of God can’t resist this star stone and it will be shattered directly.
Dark Chineydy felt the dark god’s fall, and his heart was so sad that he was desperate to go straight from the 19th floor of the sacred tower to the 6th floor. He wanted to bury all the sacred and broken people in the 6th floor together for the dark god.
All sides collapsed. Su Li’s enemy state will end in eleven seconds. Without enemy state, even he will be swallowed up by this altar. Immediately, he will launch a dream field to take back this altar.
Almost at the same moment, a new force suddenly appeared outside the sixth floor of the collapsed sacred tower, which is the purest and ultimate sacred force
There is a huge will in this force, which seems to represent the high road of heaven and earth, and all creatures can’t violate it.
"The sacred tower … rules ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
With the arrival of the will power that shakes the whole sacred tower, the sixth world is collapsing, and it is reversed and restored, and all the people who died together in the collapse are resurrected.
For example, at the same time, against the current, the crack that was punched through the world restored the whole 20-story sacred tower and suddenly jumped back for a few seconds. At that time, the index fell back to the moment when Chineydy stepped in to destroy it
After a pause, Chineydy still sat cross-legged on the sacred old tree and carried his right hand. I don’t know when his right hand became bloody and bloody, and even the white bones inside were exposed.
Fang Yuan was chopped by him, and the world was still intact. The scene where he just shot was like a dream, as if it had never happened.
His cheeks twitched slightly and then his eyebrows cracked. There was a faint sacred core flowing inside, but now there was a crack in this sacred core.
A wisp of blood slowly seeped out along the crack.
If you dare to challenge the sacred tower rules, you will be bitten by the rules. Even he is lucky.
Just then, a wisp of the 19th floor was filled with glorious and sacred breath, and then a sigh sounded with a hint of regret, pity and some disappointment.
"… what a pity …"
After that, this brilliant breath disappeared quietly, and it seems that I have never been here before.
Dark Chineydy heard this sound and a violent shock, and his face turned pale as paper.
He raised his blood, and his right hand trembled slightly. Finally, the hand slowly fell down and seemed to have lost all his strength …

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